Friday, June 16, 2017

MSP Redevelopment Virtual Tour

The Mayor wants to take you to Prison! Anyone?? Well I took the City Council there on Monday night, June 12, 2017 during a Work Session. Join us on a "virtual tour" of the historic Missouri State Penitentiary (MSP) as we explore the possibilities and potential for redevelopment of this amazing property. The City seeks to develop a portion of the site, in cooperation with the State of Missouri, and other partners including the County, Chamber and CVB. Let's take a look!

Map of MSP, area of proposed transfer to the city is outlined in red,
bordered by the historic prison tour area.

Follow the new Lafayette Interchange to the historic Missouri State 
Penitentiary (MSP)

Housing Unit 1 is on the right, this is where Prison Tours originate. 

Spectacular view of the Missouri River from the end of Lafayette Street.

Chestnut Street, the future MSP Parkway shown on the Master Plan, 
is the eastern border of the area of the City's conveyance request.

Currently a parking lot, this is part of the area of proposed conveyance
to the City. The historic tour area is on the left.

The restricted area leads to the historic prison area.

Housing Unit 4 shown as you approach the historic prison area.

MSP Upper Yard, the area where "Inside the Walls" concert is held.

Housing Unit 3

The east end of the Upper Yard, the stage area for "Concert Inside the

Upper Yard

Housing Unit 4, also known as A-Hall. 

Leaving the Upper Yard, turning around and leaving the same way we
came in.

Housing Unit 2 is the red building, Housing Unit 3 shown on the left,
Housing Unit 1 on the right.

The impressive architecture of Housing Unit 3 borders the Upper Yard.

Leaving the historic prison area, this is the western border of the area of
proposed conveyance.

Current parking lot, proposed conveyance area.

Looking north at the area of proposed conveyance, bordered by Capitol
Avenue on the south, the river on the north, the historic  prison area
on the west, and Chestnut Street on the east.

Lewis & Clark DNR Building, notice the wall remaining from the women's
prison, dated 1932.

View from DNR, looking towards the prison to the west, you can see in
the distance if you look at the light pole.

Lewis & Clark DNR Building, on the eastern edge of the MSP property,
near Riverside Park.

View from the DNR Building, looking west towards the historic prison
buildings. Note the Potato House in the foreground on the right.

State Health Lab, note how the architecture mirrors the look of the prison

Chestnut Street, restricted area, heading towards the Missouri River.
Chestnut is the eastern edge of  the proposed area of conveyance.

Followed Chestnut Street until it ends at the railroad/Missouri River.

The northern edge of the area of proposed conveyance, the Missouri River
visible in between the train cars.

Turning around at the railroad/river you have a clear view of the Prison
Shoe Factory at the northern edge of the prison, overlooking the Missouri
River, and the only building included in the area of proposed conveyance 
for redevelopment.

Back on Chestnut Street, towards Capitol Avenue.  The historic wall is
on the eastern edge of the proposed area of conveyance.

The office of the Convention & Visitors Bureau, which houses the
Prison Museum.

Lafayette Street at Capitol Avenue, the HW 50/Lafayette Interchange is
visible on the right.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Memorial Day 2017, With Thanks and Appreciation

When I was elected Mayor in 2015, one of the first events I welcomed was the Memorial Day Service at National Cemetery.  For the third year it has been my honor to bring a welcome, and I have used the same words every time:

Memorial Day
As the Mayor of Jefferson City I have the honor of welcoming you to this special Memorial Day service at the National Cemetery.  I learned at an early age from my grandfather George, who came to this great country from Greece as a young boy, that America is the BEST country on earth. 
Words alone cannot say enough to thank those in the military who have stood up for and fought for our freedoms.  By being here today, your presence shows that appreciation.
Let’s keep the spirit of Memorial Day every day of the year.  Thank a veteran, and those in active military duty, every day.  Exercise your right to vote, every time.  They fought hard for these freedoms.  Don’t take it for granted. 
Remember the families of those who serve, in your prayers and in your actions.
When I see our beautiful American flag, I remember my grandfather, how he kissed the ground because he loved this country so much.  And I remember those who gave him the freedom to kiss that ground!
Let’s all teach the next generation to have that respect:  For this place, for all who are buried here.
I would like to thank the City’s Cemetery Resources Board for all they do to continue to protect and respect this place of rest and peace.
Thank you all for being here today, and especially to all who have served our great country and to their families.
Memorial Day Service
National Cemetery, Jefferson City, Missouri
A solemn moment at the podium, thanks for capturing it Homer Holmes.

Proud of the Jefferson City Fire Department and thankful for all our public safety and first responders!
I appreciate Jim Logan and his dedication to the Memorial Day service at National Cemetery every year!
Jefferson City Police Department

Our beautiful flag! On top of Central Bank in Downtown Jefferson City

Thursday, March 16, 2017

MSU Chorale with Director Cameron LaBarr, Inauguration 2017
The Missouri State University Chorale performed an original song for over 40 million people around the world during #Inauguration2017.  Now We Belong” by poet Michael Dennis Browne and composer John Wykoff, performed January 20, 2017 at the Presidential Inauguration in Washington, DC.
“The opportunity,” Browne said, “is to say something as vividly and wholeheartedly as possible on an occasion which draws the scrutiny of the entire world.”
“Now We Belong” 
Here are the voices of every creature,
Here are the calls of every heart;
Here is the place of strangers’ welcome,
We who once walked in strangers’ shoes.
Once we were strangers,
We were welcomed,
Now we belong and believe in this land.
Here are the rivers of many echoes,
Here are the leaves of every tree;
Within us live the long horizons,
Winds that stir the sacred stones.
Once we were strangers,
We were welcomed,
Now we belong and believe in this land.
Keep faith, keep watch,
Take heart, take courage,
Guard mind, guard spirit.
Feed love, feed longing.

Here are the cities where we have gathered,
Here are the barns where hope is stored;
We are the gleams of every being,
Filled with the dreams that build the day.
Once we were strangers,
We were welcomed,
Now we belong and believe in this land.
Keep faith,
Guard mind,
Take heart,
Guard spirit,
Take courage,
Keep watch.
Feed longing,
Feed love.

MSU Chorale members, #FeedLove!

#ProudMayor #ProudBear!